Crookwell Cruise Challenge

Celebrate Spring and test your winter body out, by attempting the annual Crookwell Cruise Challenge (CCC) rides on the last Saturday of September.
The inaugural CCC was held in September 2023 with eight people starting and finishing the frosty morning original ride which is now called the Mini; an endurance/gravel ride being 250 kilometres with around 3,000 metre elevation gain.
In 2024 there were five starters and finishers. In 2025 there will be a longer 500-kilometre ride with around 5,000 metre elevation gain and a 1,000-kilometre with around 12,000-metre elevation gain. These are called the Mighty (500km) and Maxi (1,000km) and are bikepacking rides.
All rides start/finish from the BP petrol station in Watson Canberra at 6am (arrive 5:45am). Ride at your own pace, follow the tour divide rules, be self-sufficient and as safe as possible but remember to have fun and bring a sense of adventure.
Stay in towns overnight, if you can’t make it back to Canberra on the same day. For the Mighty and Maxi rides, they suggest taking a bivvy (bivouac shelter) as well, just in case accommodation is limited.
Be prepared to lift your bike over fences (all rides) or fallen trees (Mighty and Maxi ride), negotiate small river crossings (Maxi ride) and possible snow (Mighty and Maxi ride). They wouldn’t class these rides as beginner.