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Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Two people walk up the steps of Old Parliament House
A group of people view a miniature version of Old Parliament House beneath a glass display cabinet
MoAD Experience Officer shows the tour group the House of Representatives chambers
MoAD Experience Officer shows a visitor the museum map
A group of people stand in King's Hall
Two people walk up the steps of Old Parliament House
A group of people view a miniature version of Old Parliament House beneath a glass display cabinet
MoAD Experience Officer shows the tour group the House of Representatives chambers
MoAD Experience Officer shows a visitor the museum map
A group of people stand in King's Hall


The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House (MoAD) is a living museum of social and political history. Located in a nationally significant heritage-listed building, MoAD’s exhibitions, historic rooms, guided tours and family activities invite you to consider the past, present and future of our democracy and why it matters.

King George Terrace, 18, Parkes, Australian Capital Territory, Australia


Curtain and Chifley walking

Chifley's Tour

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
MoAD Experience Officer with a group of people gathered in King's Hall

Highlights of Old Parliament House

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
Historic black and white image of Old Parliament House

History of Old Parliament House

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
A tour group in the chambers

Insights of Old Parliament House - Auslan Tour

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
Joan Child sitting at her desk in the Speaker's Suite

Madam Speaker Tour

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
Old Parliament house at night

Old Haunted House Experience

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT
Illustration of Old Parliament House ahead of a coronation visit

Pomp and Pageantry Tour

by Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Parkes, ACT